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Nifty Feeder Handles 60 Goats At A Time
Leslie Cooperband and her husband Wesley Jarrell own and operate Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery. They use goat milk to create cheese, gelato, and yogurt. “We have a staff of about 14, both full-time and part-time,” says Leslie.
The goat herd consists of two breeds, La Mancha and Nubian. They have a choice of two hoop barns they can go into where they eat out of feeders designed specifically for goats.
“Goats are foragers,” Leslie says. “In the pasture they tend to feed off the silver maples, locust, and mulberry trees as well as the Red Osier dogwood, willow, and poplar trees. Because they like to browse in a higher space, our staff designed a hay feeder to meet the goats’ needs. “It’s an elevated feeder with slots that prevents them from climbing up into it.”
The feeder feeds 30 goats per side for a total of 60 to 70 goats at a time. The dimensions on the hay feeder are 3-ft. wide by 48-ft. long.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery, LLC, 4410 N. Lincoln Ave., Champaign, Ill. 61822 (www.prairiefruits.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #5