1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3, Page #11
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Reinforcement Rails For IH Super C Farmall
"We did it after driving into a sinkhole that broke the front end and engine block. The Super C doesn't have a frame up front so the engine took the punishment.
"The 4-in. channel iron rails are 36 1/ 2 in. long. They bolt to existing holes in the frame and transmission so there's no need to drill any holes or modify the tractor in any way.
"Up front, rails bolt to 2 holes in cradle wherecultivator would normally mount. In back, they bolt to transmission.
"When our tractor was originally damaged, it cost us $700 to repair it. Afterwards, we spent just $20 to add these reinforcing rails, which should eliminate any future problems."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Michael R. Thompson, 3794 Deatsville Rd., Shepherdsville, Kent. 40165 (ph 502 543-7114).
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