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Simple Way To Make Garden Furrows
“Hoeing 150-ft. furrows for planting sweet corn in our garden was getting to be a lot of work. So we came up with a more efficient way to make ‘quick rows’,” says James Miller, Clarkson, Kty.
“We tie a shovel to the front of our 4-wheeler and turn it so the back side of the shovel faces forward. It works surprisingly well. When we have to turn at the end of the row, we just pull back on the shovel to lift it out of the ground.
“We can quickly adjust depth of the furrow by raising or lowering the rope holding the shovel. Works best with moist, loose soil.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, James Miller, 151 Twin Cove Road, Clarkson, Kty. 42726 (ph 270-230-7155).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #1