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Gate Jumper For Electric Fence
"We think this is a great way to run electric fence wire across metal gates without shorting out the fence or electrifying the gate," says Heather Smith Thomas, who ranches near Salmon, Idaho.
"We put electric fencing on non-electric fencing to keep horses from chewing wood posts or poles or to keep stock from rubbing on fences or trying to crawl through. With a strategically placed `hot' wire, you can keep livestock from reaching through the fence or lying too close to it. The problem is that when you run a wire across a gate, it'll short out if the wind blows it against the metal or anything else causes it to touch metal.
"We solved the problem by slipping a length of old garden hose over the wire where it crosses the gate to completely insulate the wire. We put a spring-loaded electric fence handle on one end to release the wire when opening the gate?'
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Heather Smith Thomas, Box 215, Salmon Idaho, 83467 (ph 208 756-2841).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1