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Wheel Driven Sprayer New From Australia
Heading in the opposite direction from most North American manufacturers, an Australian company has eliminated complicated electronics in a new field sprayer, opting instead for the simplicity of a wheel-driven, sprocket-controlled system, that requires no calibration by the operator.
Called the Jetstream and imported by Edney Distributing Co., of Huron, S. Dak., the sprayer makes use of the same ground-drive metering concept used for years on seed drills. Regardless of the speed traveled, the application rate remains constant. The quick change of a single sprocket is all that's needed to change rates from 3.6 gal./acre up to 24 gal./acre. The sprocket, chain-driven by a fixed sprocket on a ground wheel, drives a shaft which powers the sprayer's positive displacement pump.
"No calibration is needed, other than changing the sprocket, and you can drive at any speed so even inexperienced help can spray without making major mistakes," says Duane Gramstead, Edney representative. He notes that the sprayer is built heavier than most any sprayer on the North American market, with a large tube-steel boom and a heavy-duty trailer chassis.
The round fiberglass tank has agitator nozzles inside that'll agitate even when the sprayer is in transport. Chemical is filtered at six points in the sprayer, including a screen in the nozzles which pops out in seconds for cleaning.
Pump controls mount at the tractor seat. Sprayers are available in 40 and 60-ft. widths, and with 264 and 528 gal. tanks. Prices, respectively are $3,430 and $5,858. Harrow-mounted sprayers are also available.
A fire pumping unit for extinguishing spot fires is optional. There are 3 nozzle sizes for wide or narrow spray patterns.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edney Distributing Co., Inc., Highway 14 East, Huron, S. Dak. 57350 (ph 605 352-8616).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #5