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Cab Guard With Shock Absorbing Lights
You'll like this new pickup cab guard that protects the rear window of the cab and is fitted with lights for increased visibility and safety when hauling big loads.
The lights on the bar above the cab are mounted in shock absorbing "cavity cups" to protect them from damage on even the roughest terrain. There's a brake light at center and amber turn signal lights on either end (or can be fitted with red parking lights). There are also small round lights on the outside end of each upper corner. They can be wired up with the truck's side lights.
Optional lights available include an extra back up light that installs in the middle of the top of the bar that can also be used to load and unload the truck at night. Fog lights are also available to mount at either end of the top of the bar.
The patented light-equipped cab guard sells for about $600. Inventor David Finneyfrock is looking for distributors and would also like to talk to manufacturers.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, David Finneyfrock, Finneyfrock's Associates, 18630 Keedysville Rd., Keedysville, MD 21756 (ph 301432-2050).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3