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Bulging Eyes Set Budapest Pigeon Apart
The bugged-out eyes and tiny, blunt beak may make the Budapest Short-Faced Tumbler cute to pigeon fanciers. But the traits also create challenges. The mortality rate is high for the breed because the eyes are in the way as the chick uses its short beak to crack the eggshell as it hatches. Breeders often help the chick get out before it dies of exhaustion. Because of their special requirements, the breed is rare.
  Initially, the Short-Faced Tumbler was selectively bred by the Poltl brothers in Budapest in the early 1900’s for flying high and endurance, flying up to 5 hours at a time. But it was their strange facial features that caught the attention of breeders who raised them for their appearance.
  Besides its unique face, the Tumbler stands more erect than most pigeons with the eyes directly above the legs. The body is short and the wings rest on a tightly-folded tail. Beaks can be white or dark and the pigeons come in a variety of colors.
  More information about the breed can be found at www.budapestshortface.com. The website contains information from U.S. breeder Michel Seiler who began breeding Short-Faced Tumblers 40 years ago.

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #5