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Asphalt Roller Converted To Skid Steer Drive
Ray Kuhn converted the rear roller of a motorized asphalt roller into a handy attachment for his skid steer. He can roll asphalt, shale, or pack dirt, and it doesn’t require a separate motor.

“The fewer things we have to change the oil on and keep tuned up, the better,” says Kuhn.

As it is, he has no shortage of equipment needing oil changes and tuning. Kuhn has a full line of excavation equipment and multiple tri-axle dump trucks. When he saw the worn-out asphalt roller sitting in a scrap yard, he knew what he wasn’t going to do, and that was get it back in operation.

“The motor had broken down,” he recalls. “It was an ancient thing, not worth fixing.”

What did have some value was the rear roller. Kuhn cut the back section off with a torch.

“It had a nice flat surface where I could add the mounts for the skid steer quick attach,” says Kuhn.

All he added was a couple of pieces of square tubing for reinforcement. He also cut the top off what had been a big water tank on top of the roller. He filled it with gravel for a little extra weight.

“I’ve been impressed with how well it works for dirt, shale and leftover asphalt,” says Kuhn.

Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ray Kuhn, 402 N. Northkill Rd., Hamburg, Penn. 19526 (ph 610-488-6259 or 484-797-4735; kuhnco@comcast.net).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #6