Volume #BFS, Issue #23, Page #16
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Short Season Open Pollinated Corn
“Most open pollinated (OP) corn is grown in southern areas with longer growing seasons. Beneficial varieties for growers with a short season have not been widely available. We’re changing that with faster finishing OP corn varieties that will let growers with a short season profit from open pollinated corn,” says Vaughn Emo of Green Haven.
Located in western N.Y., Green Haven works with seedsmen from throughout the U.S. They are focusing on improving OP varieties for silage, grain, craft distilling and wildlife plots. Early varieties include 75-day VK Early or NY Bloody Butcher, 85-day Wapsie Valley, 88-day Dublin, and 87-day MN 13 with some available organic.
Open pollinated corn is said to be higher in protein and sugar compared to regular hybrids thereby giving livestock farmers higher feed value. Of course, the biggest advantage is that farmers can select their own seed from this year’s crop to plant next year.
Green Haven offers over 25 types of OP seed including 16 different field corn varieties ranging in day length from early 75-day to full season 120-day; 3 types of sweet corn; popcorn; pumpkin seed; small grains including Danko Rye, Hulless Oats, and Einkorn Wheat; and grasses including red clover and timothy.
For a free brochure Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Green Haven, 8225 Wessels Rd, Avoca N.Y. 14809 (ph 607-566-9253; openpollinated.com)

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Volume #BFS, Issue #23