Volume #BFS, Issue #23, Page #23
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“Big Heel” Fastener Holds Wire In Place
WIRE FASTENER – Big Heel Fasteners change the way you maintain your fences. Better than alternative fasteners like staples or tie wire. Big Heel Fasteners can be used on the hardest of posts and holds wire better. They can be used with all types of wires including barbed, bare, high tensile and electrical ground wires, as well as cattle and hog panels, wire netting, horse fence and vineyard wires. The high, thick heel “Big Heel” fastener has more surface area on the wire, and holds the wire in place by keeping pressure on the holding area with only one screw. These fasteners will not pull out or rust off. The screw is corrosion coated, has a torx 15 washer head and a cutting tip.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Big Heel Fasteners, LLC. (ph 785-483-1685; email@bigheelfasteners.com; www.bigheelfasteners.com)

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Volume #BFS, Issue #23