1979 - Volume #3, Issue #6, Page #16
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Augerless Feed Mixer Wagon
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"It does everything conventional auger-type wagons do, yet costs a lot less and requires considerably less maintenance," says Lee Stirling, president of Innovative Implements Inc.
The firm, headquartered in Ridgetown, Ont., Canada, has been licensed to manufacture and market the revolutionary mixer wagon throughout North America. It was developed in England and is catching on fast with livestock producers throughout Europe.
"It mixes silage and grain with 95%u or better efficiency as fast as you can load in the ingredients," Stirling told FARM SHOW. Instead of conventional augers, the Quick Mixer features a large primary mixing rotor, and a smaller secondary rotor.
The primary rotor is 41/2 ft. in dia. and rotates at 6 rpm. The outer bars on the 4-bladed rotor are spring loaded to prevent the material being mixed from wedging.
The small secondary rotor is 61/2 in. in dia. and rotates 10 times as fast as the primary rotor (60 rpm) and has 8 in. tines welded onto it to mix, stir and propel feed.
"Anybody who regularly feeds haylage will especially appreciate the augerless Quick Mixer," says Stirling. "It folds and thoroughly mixes the sticky material without plugging, and without the abrasive action which develops in auger-type wagons and quickly wears out sheet metal under the augers. The ptodriven rotors run off externally mounted roller chains which are easy to service."
The Quick Mixer will handle long-stem material, including conventional straw bales which, with the twine or wire removed, can be put into the wagon "as is".
Big bales have to first be broken up into smaller chunks.
Another key feature of the newstyle mixer wagon is its low power requirement. "A 60 hp tractor will handle it," says Stirling. The hydraulically operated discharge door, which provides controlled feedout. will direct feed into a fence line or regular bunk. Feed discharges from the wagon's entire 10-ft. length and at a height of more than 41/2 ft.
Capacity of the Quick Mixer is up to 7 tons, depending on the type of feed being mixed. The box itself is 10 ft. long; 5 ft., 8 in. wide; 5 ft., 10 in. high; and has a capacity of 11.3 cu. yds. Height from ground level to the top of the box is 8 ft.
Cost of the Quick Mixer is right at $12,000 in the U.S., $12,500 in Canada.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Innovative Implements Inc., Box 627, Ridgetown, Ont. NOP 2C0 (ph 519 674-2361).

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