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Sludge Eliminator For Manure Pits
"It's designed as a one-man operation," says Kim Brokaw, designer-manufacturer of an agitator capable of agitating and eliminating solid build-up problems in hog confinement pits through the 8 in. pump-out ports. "The sturdy, yet light-weight (135 lb.) construction enables you to move from one port hole to another for complete agitation," he notes.
The Brokaw Agitator is powered by a hydraulic piston motor, operating at up to 3,000 RPM and developing 10 1/2 hp. Rather than relying solely on an impellor to attempt to push around the heavy sludge at the bottom of the pit, the unique agitator uses the liquid portion of the pit to break up the solids to an even consistency that can be removed with a vacuum tank.
Three times the area of inlet, in relation to the area of discharge, forces a restriction through the Brokaw Agitator resulting in a tremendous pressure being forced out by the unit's drive mechanism. Brokaw points out that this pressure is used to move a large volume of manure to break up the solids. "If we were to rely strictly on pressure, the agitator's discharge would have to be pointed to every square inch of the pit. Rather, we use the pressure to move a large volume of manure. It's volume that breaks up solids and agitates liquid manure."
The Brokaw Agitator has successfully been used in finishing units with better than 3 ft. of solids, reaching a distance of up to 40 ft. in each direction from one port-hole. Although the unit's easy portability enables the operator to move from one port-hole to another for complete agitation of any size pit, the Brokaw Agitator has agitated many farrow-nursery set-ups with approximate dimensions of 44 by 24 ft. from one port-hole only. The area of agitation depends on the dimensions of the pit, the consistency of the manure, and the amount of solid build-up. Brokaw reports that their unit has replaced several high pressure recirculating pumps that have been sold by other companies.
The Agitator is coated with a durable, baked-on hardened finish which protects it against the corrosiveness of manure, as well as scratches.
The standard size Agitator is 11 1/2 ft. in length, with shorter or longer units available on request. The standard size unit may be used in 4, 6, 8 and 10 ft. pits as long as an 8 in. access, such as a PVC or clay pump-out port, is available. The unit may also be used inside buildings, by lowering it down through a removed slat.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brokaw Industries, 131 N. Sycamore St., P.O. Box 633, Monticello, Iowa 52310 (ph 319

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #2