Volume #BFS, Issue #23, Page #44
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Super Add-A-Valve
It flows up to 45 GPM and, with versions that take up to 5000 PSI, you can add extra functions to even more equipment. You don’t have to have 40 GPM to work, though. The Super Add-A-Valve plumbs in between your hydraulic valve and cylinder to add an extra function to almost any system.
Grapple Forks, thumbs, and buckets are among the more common uses for this valve.
The Add-A-Valve is easy to use. The control clamps to the lever you move in the cab. The “added” function works when you press a button down while moving the lever. The button is rated at up to 1 million cycles for long life.
Contact: V&M Inc., 300 E. 40th St. N., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 57104-0701 (ph 800-648-6507 or 605-332-4335; www.vandminc.com).
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