Volume #BFS, Issue #23, Page #45
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Induction Heating Device Loosens Stubborn Nuts And Bolts
Auto repair specialist Tom Gough says the induction heat device he invented releases stubborn bearings and pulleys, or corroded parts, without the dangers of an open flame. His Mini-Ductor uses “invisible heat” from high frequency magnetic fields to heat metal objects so they can be safely removed.
Gough says his device is much safer than the open flame from an oxy acetylene torch, which can easily ignite flammable grease or melt parts near the immovable fastener. An auto repair specialist for many years, he invented the device because of many frustrating hours removing stubborn fasteners with torches, big wrenches and power tools.
Gough’s Mini-Ductor is a small hand-held tool with a non-slip grenade grip and trigger switch. Pulling the trigger heats a coil that can turn a rusted nut red hot in 15 seconds. Gough says it’s a fast, safe and easy on workers who deal with removing stubborn parts.
The Mini-Ductor comes with 8 interchangeable coils from 4 to 10 in. long and a 23-in. long U-form coil that can be molded around a socket to fit large or small fasteners. The device also has mini pads that heat metal to melt adhesives.
The Mini-Ductor Venom is priced at $599 online and is also available through authorized warehouses and jobbers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Induction Innovations, 1175 Jansen Farm Court, Elgin, Ill. 60123 (ph 847-836-6933; www.theinductor.com).

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Volume #BFS, Issue #23