Volume #BFS, Issue #23, Page #51
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Universal Gun Cleaning Master Kit
When cleaning my gun on the kitchen table, I could never find a solution that worked completely (and made my wife happy). The #70035 Professional Gun Cleaning Master Kit from RamRodz® is the first product that has everything to service my firearms. The odor-free cleaning solution, lubricant, and chemical-resistant mat leave no odor or residue on my table. Caliber-specific, industrial-strength, RamRodz© swabs allow me to clean every inch of my rifles and pistols. Any tool I could need for a full and thorough cleaning was there and the USA made pushrod and bore cable were the highest quality I’ve ever used. Everything came in a convenient, four-layer case for easy carrying wherever I want to set up.
For more information on these tools, contact IPA® at 845-679-4500 or visit www.ipatools.com

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Volume #BFS, Issue #23