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Community Cannery In Operation Since 1940
The Callaway Cannery offers Virginians a place to prep, process and preserve food without dirtying their own kitchens. Operational since 1940, the Cannery continues to be a valued community space.
Community canneries began in America during WWII as a place for women to preserve the produce from their victory gardens. Most were built near schools, as a portion of the canned goods went to feed children. Some of these canneries still exist today, especially in rural areas. Now, they help community members connect and relearn the art of preserving food.
The Callaway Cannery is open on Tuesdays and Fridays. You’ll find the cinderblock building tucked behind the local Callaway Elementary School. Pricing is per item; for metal cans, it’s $0.60/pint and $0.80/quart, and $0.10/pint and $0.20/quart for glass jars. Note that you must supply your own jars, lids, and rings.
The Cannery itself has large sinks and plenty of stainless-steel counter space for prep work, along with cold-water-bath containers, kettles of numerous sizes, and an oil boiler. Expect to clean up your own mess or pay a cleaning fee.
Many customers use the Cannery for their garden produce, while others purchase and preserve food directly from the grocery store. Canning meat is becoming increasingly common, especially as inflation drives food costs.
Currently, the Callaway Cannery serves between 150 to 200 customers each year. All are welcome, even those who don’t know how to can. There are always people around willing to help with any questions.
Apple butter remains the most popular product, and many area churches use the Cannery for making preserved goods for their fundraising efforts. Everyone at the Cannery focuses on their own projects, but it’s common to mingle and lend a hand when needed.
As the Cannery isn’t a commercial facility, it’s not liable for any mishaps or problems with the canning process or your food. Connect through the Cannery’s Facebook page for more information.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Callaway Cannery, 8451 Callaway Rd., Callaway, Va. 24067 (Facebook: Callaway Cannery)

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3