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“Baby Beaver” Cuts Limbs, Brush
Compact tractor and compact skid steer owners have a new option for trimming brush and trees with the new U.S.-made Baby Beaver, manufactured by Limb Beaver, based in Tennessee.
It’s the same design used on attachments for larger equipment, with a cutting assembly actuated by a hydraulic swing that tilts in several positions, including 45 degrees down from horizontal to cut ditches.
“What I liked about it was the cut path and the smoothness of branches after cutting them,” says Wendell DeVries, who purchased the rights/business from the inventors of the Limb Beaver. “The material falls straight to the ground. It’s safe to operate and fast - I can do miles in a day.”
Maintenance is easy. Double-sided teeth stay sharp and last for years.
Weighing only 265 lbs., the 48-in. Baby Beaver cuts through limbs and trees up to 3 in. in diameter at 4,500 rpm’s. It can reach and cut up to 198 in. high but folds to 59 in. high by 64 in. wide for transport. The quick-attach implement sells for about $7,000 and is sized for 30 to 60-hp. tractors and skid steers, including stand-on models. Because it cuts well ahead of the tractor, the Baby Beaver is safe for small landowners and hobby farmers to use for clearing walking paths in the woods, trimming brush and limbs along the edge of the woods, and cutting ditches.
Larger models for bigger skid steers, tractor loaders, boom mowers, and excavators range from $18,000 to $26,750 and cut 5 1/8-in. swaths up to 6 in. diameters. They are ideal for golf courses, snowmobile trails, parks, municipalities, and farms.
The investment and time spent trimming limbs and brush encroaching farm fields can pay for itself quickly, Devries says, by adding acreage that can be farmed.
“It’s not killing the trees, we’re just giving them a haircut,” he adds.
The website includes videos of Limb Beavers in action and ordering information. Employees work with customers to choose the right model to match equipment for standard flow or high flow hydraulics and different motor sizes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Limb Beaver, 3566 Robbins Nest Rd., Thompson Station, Tenn. 37179 (ph 844-697-5505; sales@LimbBeaver.com; www.LimbBeaver.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3