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Steam Weeder Runs Off PTO
The saturated steam weeding system from Weedtechnics has been upgraded with more powerful systems and a pto-drive pump, allowing a narrow-row-friendly trailer. Trademarked as Satusteam, the units boil water under pressure (up to 500 psi) and then release the boiling water and steam at 208 to 212 degrees but under low pressure. The water-saturated steam explodes plant cells on contact without impacting soil and other materials around the plant.
“Weedtechnics hasn’t changed how it makes the saturated steam, but the company has expanded the range of models and applicator heads it offers,” says Dan Dows. “The pto-powered pump eliminates the need for a diesel-powered pump, lowering the price by several hundred dollars and reducing the unit’s footprint on a trailer. That allows for a narrower trailer for use between rows.”
Dows is a distributor and user, contracting with municipalities on weed control in sensitive areas and with the horticulture industry, in particular, organic fruit growers. During the recent COVID pandemic, he also provided Satusteam sanitizing in commercial areas of hospitals and healthcare organizations.
“We’re doing vegetation control in organic berries and vegetables, as well as targeting invasive species along bodies of water,” he says.
The one attribute that sets Weedtechnics technology apart from other weed controls is it destroys any soft-leaf green vegetation. In addition to cell damage, it gets some penetration into meristematic areas of the plant, providing longer residual than other control methods.
“There’s nothing we haven’t been able to control,” says Dows. “With the larger systems, we can do multi-row applications. In vineyards, vegetable fields, and fruit like blueberries, we can do up to two rows, both sides, in a single pass.”
In addition to weed control, the Satusteam can clean and remove gum, gunk, and grime without damaging painted or timber surfaces.
The price of the SW3100 without a trailer is $42,990. Mounted on a horticulture trailer with applicators, it’s priced at $94,990.
“We keep finding new fits for Satusteam,” says Dows. “We’re now providing weed control to the Christmas tree industry.”
Dows suggests U.S. readers contact Weedtechnics U.S. distributor, Dave Johnson, at Steam Cleaners.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steam ‘N’ Weeds, 2502 10th Ave., Wainwright, Alberta, Canada T9W 1W3 (ph 587-437-8326; info@steamnweeds.com; www.steamnweeds.com) or Dave Johnson, Steam Cleaners (ph 800-648-1118; www.steamcleanersinc.com) or Weedtechnics (toll-free 888-783-2655; support@weedtechnics.com; www.weedtechnics.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #4