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Flow-Thru Brushes Make Clean-Up Easier
Flow-Thru brushes from Ohio Brush Works deliver solvents direct to the surfaces being cleaned. The flow-through design is available to use with both a parts washing brush and an ordinary cleaning brush.
“Like our other brushes, the Flow-Thru brushes are American-made, quality brushes,” says Keith Moreland, Ohio Brush Works. “They’re designed to outlast, outperform and become a permanent tool in your cleaning arsenal.”
The Flow-Thru parts brush is available with soft, medium, or stiff polyester filament or brass bristles. The brush, bristles, and hoses are solvent and oxidation resistant and can be used with either petroleum or water-based cleaning solutions.
The parts brushes connect to most parts washers with their 29-in. neoprene hose adapter. Once connected, the polyester filaments do not absorb water and offer good abrasion resistance and excellent bend recovery. They also offer excellent heat resistance.
Flow-Thru cleaning brushes are available in soft and medium polyester filaments. They offer all the properties of the parts brushes and come with a hose adapter to connect to most garden and household hoses.
Brushes can be purchased online through Amazon and Eastwood. Eastwood prices ranged from $17.11 to $29.95 for poly brushes and $49.95 for the brass parts brush.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ohio Brush Works, 8455 Rausch Dr., Plain City, Ohio 43064 (ph 740-368-9981; http://ohiobrushworks.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #4