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3-Pt. Rolling Equipment Pallets
“In the past, whenever I needed to move 3-pt. equipment stored in my shed, I had to attach them to my tractor, move them, and then unhook them. Now I just roll them around,” says LeRoy Momper, Fredonia, Wis.
“I built heavy-duty pallets fitted with heavy-duty caster wheels to hold my snowblower, flail mower, and rototiller. They’re easy to roll wherever I need them.
“There are two other advantages to having equipment on pallets. First, I can pick up the equipment with pallet forks to move it to another location for power washing or to make repairs. Second, it’s easier to hook up the equipment when you can roll it around.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, LeRoy Momper, 215 Lawrence St., Fredonia, Wis. 53021 (ph 414-331-2093; leemary66@gmail.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5