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Push Or Pull Dump Cart Hauls, Spreads Heavy Loads
"It's much easier to use than a wheelbarrow because I don't have to lift any weight when moving it around. I just push or pull it," says Richard Guy, Bethune, Colo., about the 4-wheel dump cart he built to haul and spread heavy loads.
The 2-ft. wide cart is made from sheet metal from an old billboard sign and is equipped with big 2 1/2-ft. dia. steel wheels on back and 10-in. dia. solid rubber wheels in front. It's supported by a steel frame that's hinged just above the front wheels. To dump a load, Guy lifts up on the handles.
"It works like a dump truck," says Guy, who often uses the cart to handle wet concrete. "I can dump out just the amount of concrete I need by adjusting the position of a spring-loaded, notched lever mounted on one side of the cart. The lever keeps the cart from tipping beyond a certain angle. The big wheels carry just over half the load so I don't have to lift a lot of weight to dump the cart, no matter how big a load I'm carrying. If the load is too big for one person to haul, one person can push the cart and another one can pull it by using a rope tied to the front axle."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Guy, Bethune, Colo. 80805 (ph 719 346-7451).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4