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ATV, Pickup Pull Bale Unroller
Stuart and Robert Mitchell of Whitriggs Farm, Scotland, were looking for a bale unroller that could be pulled by an ATV/UTV or even a pickup but couldn’t find anything available in the UK, so they designed and built their own. It was awarded the Royal Highland Show’s Silver Innovation Award in June 2023.
Designed to be easily operated by one person, the unroller can carry and unroll 4 and 5-ft. bales right to the core. The tool allows the Mitchells to safely control the unrolling of bales for cattle on pasture without the use of heavy tractors, which reduces soil compaction.
The Whitriggs Bale Unroller distributes hay, straw, or silage across the field, allowing cattle adequate space to spread out and eliminating poaching and bullying at the ring feeder. It also helps to evenly distribute dung, increasing organic matter in the soil.
The Mitchells have manufactured and sold seven units and have 10 more on order.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stuart Mitchell (rmitchellandsons@gmail.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5