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Cellphone Used To Stop Bug Bite Itch
You can take the itch out of mosquito bites and other bug bites with Heat It from Kamedi GmbH. Smaller than a little fingernail, the Heat It device and app make bug bite scratching and discomfort a thing of the past.
“I was 25 when I was introduced to the idea that applying a heated spoon to a bug bite took away the discomfort,” says Lukas Liedtke, Heat It. “I tried it, and it worked amazingly well. I thought there should be a way to provide the treatment anywhere.”
Liedtke needed a device that would provide instant heat. He took his idea to a 2017 student competition at the Technologiefbrik of Karlsruhe, Germany. Initial concepts were clunky and inflexible, but they showed the heat treatment did work.
By 2019 he and his co-founders had a device that worked, using a cell phone as a power source. An app for the cell phone was developed to control the device.
“We have more than 250,000 satisfied customers in 14 countries, with more than three million treatments,” says Liedtke. “Just plug it into your cell phone, which is the user interface. Choose the time and temperature of the treatment, depending on the sensitivity of the individual or the area of the body.”
Once the app has been downloaded to the phone and the device plugged in, the user can select the preferred treatment of 4, 7 or 9 seconds. The affected area is briefly heated to between 117 and 126 degrees F.    
“You can set the duration of treatment and the temperature,” says Liedtke.
This FARM SHOW writer and his wife tried out the Heat It device. It’s as simple to operate as promised, and it works just as well. A momentary sensation of heat replaces the discomfort of the bug bite. It quickly disappears, taking the bite discomfort with it.
Current research suggests the nerves in the skin react to the heat impulse, reducing the bite stimulation. Once the itching signal can no longer be transmitted to the brain, the desire to scratch goes away.
Heat It is available for both Android and Apple smartphones. It’s priced at $69. The company offers a 100-day extended return policy to test it out.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Heat It US, 1007 N. Orange St., Wilmington, Del. 19801 or Kamedi GmbH, Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (ph 49 721 47044004; www.just-heat-it.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5