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Door Knockers Made From Horseshoes, Railroad Spikes
Rod Hancock of Nanaimo, B.C., creates custom door knockers from old horseshoes and railroad spikes. As a semi-retired welder, Hancock enjoys experimenting with unique projects.
    It takes Hancock about an hour to make a door knocker. He uses real horseshoes and railroad spikes, never reproductions.
    Each shoe or spike goes into a concrete mixer to knock off rust and dirt. He then sandblasts them before welding a bar across the top so it will act as a knocker. The final step is drilling two holes into the bar for easy mounting.
    Hancock also makes individual letters with horseshoes. “Everyone has their horse’s name on the wall of the stall at horse shows,” he explains. “With these letters, they can spell their horse’s name with horseshoes.” The letters cost $12 each. “If your horse is named Buck, then you’re in luck. But if his name is George Worthington Witherspoon Saltenstall Hemersnip  III, I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’d be worth shipping something that heavy,” he laughs.
    So far, Hancock is primarily selling at craft fairs and horse shows throughout British Columbia, though he will ship. Door knockers sell for about $25 each, depending on style, and the shipping costs vary by location. Interested buyers can reach Hancock by email.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rod Hancock (rhwelder@shaw.ca).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6