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Simple Idea Improved His Old Sawmill
“The dogs on my old Breezewood sawmill worked well on straight logs but didn’t hold logs that were slightly curved, so I fixed the problem with a Rube Goldberg modification that’s worked very well for the past 20 years,” says New York woodworker Jack Weeks.
“First, I had a friend weld a 1-in. threaded nut to the top of the 3-ft. tall 1 1/2-in. square dogs,” Weeks says. “He cut the heads off three 6-in. long bolts, drilled a hole for a 3-in. long pin to turn the bolts, and then we threaded the bolts into the nuts. With a curved log on the rails, I’m able to turn the bolts into the log and hold it securely while I run the carriage with the band saw down the rails.”
Weeks says the simple addition to his 30-something-year-old 26-hp. sawmill works extremely well. “I’m sure newer band sawmills have a much more efficient system, but this modification to a mill made by a company now out of business only took a few spare parts and a little welding to fix the problem.”
Weeks is retired from his practice as a family doctor and now spends a lot of time on woodworking projects. “Over several years, I’ve built a barn, a few sheds, and other projects using beams and boards that I’ve cut with this old mill. I’m even able to cut live edge flitches, which are very popular now because the dogs hold the logs secure. The old mill is still productive as long as I occasionally lavish it with love, care, and a few repairs.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jack Weeks, St. Remy, New York.

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6