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Nifty Tank Top Welder Caddy
The Welder Kaddy from Melius Manufacturing holds welder tools and supplies but swings out of the way as needed. The Kaddy is designed to slip over the top of the tank, including tall tanks found on most welders.
“An employee came up with the idea of a tray on a welding tank years ago,” says Dana Melius, Melius Manufacturing. “We offered to help him produce them if he wanted to sell them. He said he just needed one for work, and we could sell them if we wanted.”
The current model is 10 in. wide by 18 in. long and about 3 1/2 in. deep. It’s made from 12-gauge steel and powder-coated. It and two earlier versions, including the prototype, find daily use in the Melius shop.
“We’ve made improvements based on customer feedback,” says Melius. “We’ve got it now to where people just love it.”
Melius admits the Kaddy is built heavier than needed. “It’s impossible to overload,” he says. “I know guys who load it down with 20 clamps. It’s only when they lift it off that they realize they shouldn’t have so much on it.”
The Welder Kaddy is priced at $165 plus tax and shipping.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Melius Manufacturing, 303 E Main St., Crooks, S.D. 57020 (ph 605-216-4410; info@meliusmfgllc.com; www.meliusmfgllc.com; Facebook: Melius Manufacturing, LLC).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6