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Sickle Blade Planter Marker
Mark Hamlin’s planter marker leaves an easy-to-follow trail. Sickle blades bolted to the marker disc chop up the ground, even in no-till fields.
  “We’ve been in no-till since the 1990’s, and there’s nothing worse than trying to plant and figure out where the marker went,” says Hamlin. “My dad and I scratched our heads over the problem, and then we came up with this.”
  Hamlin drilled holes in the marker disc to match the spacing of the blades. Eight blades fit on the disc with about an inch spacing between them.
  “The blades lined up well around the circle, working out right on the money,” says Hamlin. “It really wouldn’t have mattered what the spacing was. They’d leave their mark anyway.”
  Hamlin notes that the sickle-bladed marker works almost too well, chopping up the ground as it rolls. “Now I sometimes worry about making too much of a mark,” he says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mark Hamlin, 203 East Graham St., Roberts, Wis. 54023 (ph 715-377-8388).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6