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Scissor-Action Post Puller
Peter Chester owes the idea for the Post-Pulla, an innovative metal fence post puller, to his farmer brother-in-law. A former farmer, Chester designs equipment for the agricultural and mining industries.
    “My brother-in-law is very big on reusing products, and with so many post pullers, if you’re in hard soil, they damage the post,” says Chester, Chester Brown Industries. “He wanted a post puller that would pull the post out undamaged.”
    Chester critiques many commercial post pullers as being flimsily built. Others jam onto the post or use rings or chains. He decided to design a puller with jaws shaped to fit the end of a post to grip it and pull without damaging the post in even the hardest soils.
    “It’s rated for 2 tons of force, but we put it to the test, and it handled up to 5 tons,” says Chester.
    The Post-Pulla uses a scissors action to grip little more than the top inch of a post. Mounted to any type of front-end-loader, it grips the post tighter as upward force is exerted on it. The straight vertical pull virtually eliminates potential bending or breakage.
    While reducing potential damage was important, so was speed. Chester has pulled six posts at 23-ft. intervals in only 2 min.
    “That equates to pulling 3/4-mile of posts in an hour, with or without removing wires or straightening the top tag,” says Chester.
    Chester can modify jaws to fit different types of posts. He’s also modified the Post-Pulla for 1-person operation.
    The original design has handholds for a helper to use while guiding the puller head to a post. Pulling down on the handholds initiates the gripping process as the machine operator starts the vertical lift.
    “We’ve introduced a hands-free model with an actuator hardwired to the cab of the lifting vehicle,” explains Chester. “The operator guides the Post-Pulla into position and triggers the gripping action and release. A good operator can pull more than half a mile of posts in an hour by himself.”
    Chester Brown Industries is introducing a model with a wireless remote for use by a helper walking alongside or in the tractor cab. The Post-Pulla is priced at $795 Australian ($532 USD) without the actuator. The hands-free version is priced at $1,895 Australian ($1,270 USD). With the remote, it will be $3,780 AUD ($2,568 USD).
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chester Brown Industries, 4 Stockton Rd., Port Kennedy, Western Australia 6172 (ph 08 61563601 or 61 488685309; peterc@chesterbrownindustries.com.au; www.chesterbrownindustries.com.au).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1