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Fix-A-Zip Fixes Broken Zippers
It always seems that the zipper that quits working is on your favorite work jacket and is the kind that is especially challenging to replace the zipper. In some cases, there’s an easy fix by replacing the zipper pull.
Online stores offer all kinds of kits, some with one size, some with an assortment. To ensure that you get the right pull for your zipper, Sullivans USA, Inc. sells a universal repair kit, Fix-A-Zip ($8 to $10), with more than 20 pieces, including brass, metal, and plastic pulls and stops for the tops of the zippers, says Mark Zaremski, president of Sullivans USA, Downers Grove, Ill.
While it’s handy to keep on hand, the kit can’t fix all zippers, Zaremski emphasizes. If teeth are missing or damaged or the insert pin and retaining box aren’t secure at the bottom of the zipper, a new zipper pull won’t fix the problem.
But when the zipper pull is the problem, the kit directions explain the different types of sliders to choose the correct one for non-separating, separating, and two-way separating zippers. Using a wire cutter, clip the top stop to remove the old zipper pull and slip on a new one. After making sure it zips okay, replace the top stop.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sullivans USA, Inc., 4341 Middaugh Ave., Downers Grove, Ill. 60515 (ph 800-862-8586; www.mynotions.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1