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Loader-Mounted Post Hole Auger
When the power unit on a portable post-hole auger went bad, Quinton Tschetter made it more portable and easier to use by mounting it to the side of his front-end loader.
“It was a hand-operated auger with a separate hydraulic unit on wheels with a 5 to 6-hp. motor,” says Tschetter. “It was designed for putting in chain link fence posts in backyards and was quite innovative at the time.”
Tschetter stripped it down to the auger unit with its hydraulic motor top and the square frame around it where the handles attached. He welded a narrow steel plate to the top of the frame for a mount and bolted it loosely to the loader so it could swing freely.
To power the auger, Tschetter disconnected the hydraulic hoses from the tilt cylinder on the loader and connected them to the motor.
“However, there was just the one pivot point, and I found the auger put a lot of pressure on the side of the bucket, explains Tschetter. “It got bent a bit, so I added a 6-in. square, 3/8-in. steel plate to the mount to spread the force out.”
With that fixed, Tschetter ran into only one more problem. If the auger really grabbed hold and dug, the small tractor he has it attached to couldn’t pull it out.
“It only happened once, and then I got smart,” says Tschetter. “Now I make sure to never let the auger load up. The old hydraulic motor can only run in one direction, so I can’t reverse the auger.”
Tschetter has used the loader-mounted auger for many years and is more than satisfied with his salvage job. He appreciates having more visibility of the job than he would with a rear 3-pt. mount. Adjusting the placement of the auger is also easier.
“I can control it better,” says Tschetter. “I can move it a 1/4-in. or more in all four directions just by turning the front wheels of the tractor.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Quinton Tschetter, 2379 Hwy. 92, Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577 (ph 641-660-9765; qct1944@gmail.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1