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Vinyl Walls Tackle Barn Moisture
Duramax PVC, a division of U.S. Polymers Inc., is making inroads into the dairy barn construction industry by offering its vinyl wall and ceiling panels as a more sustainable alternative to drywall and FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic) panels.
“Our vinyl panels for the agricultural industry are strong and completely water resistant,” says David Schulhof, U.S. Polymers Inc. CMO. “Water doesn’t absorb into them like drywall or FRP, so it’s safe for them to be in a damp environment, even to pressure wash them without worrying about moisture and rot getting in the walls.”
The Duramax value proposition is a much quicker installation process than their competitors as panels are rigid and sturdy and don’t require an adhesive or a vacuum board but fasten directly to a wall frame. Panels come with a predrilled interlocking feature, allowing them to efficiently fasten together. They can be cut to fit trim and edges just like drywall. Silicone caulking could be used along the seams for extra protection if extensive water contact is expected, but the interlocks do an excellent job of keeping moisture out.
“They go up twice as fast with half the people because of the convenient interlock feature,” Schulhof says. “Screw them to the stud, slide the next panel in, and keep going. They’re practically seamless.”
The 1/2-in. thick vinyl panels come in 4 ft. widths and range from 8 to 20 ft. lengths.
Manufacturing is completed in Commerce, Calif., with shipping done directly from their factory.
Schulhof says their experienced sales force will complete estimates and help potential customers decide on the amounts and sizes required. They even offer free samples of the interlock and trim, plus guarantee their product with a $25,000 replacement service due to water failure.
“Costs are competitive with FRP, plus we sell large or small amounts with quantity discounts,” Schulhof says. “You also save money on installation and never have to replace it. We want to make it easy, so we help with all the arrangements for delivery and shipping to a convenient drop site.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Duramax PVC Wall Panels, 1057 S. Vail Ave., Montebello, Calif. 90640 (ph 213-652-7665; www.duramaxpvcpanels.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2