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Mower Becomes Multi-Purpose Utility Cart
Paul Clifford of Dixmont, Maine, gave new life to a broken-down mower by transforming it into a multi-purpose yard tool. Now, he has a handy runaround cart with a hydraulic dump cart that easily unhooks.
  “I paid $50 for the mower,” says Clifford. “I have three attachments made and counting. They use a 2-in. receiver hitch; you have to pull a pin to change it.”
  The cart is well-suited to a variety of yard work. “I’m planning to use a blade underneath it for cutting bushes,” he says. But his plans are bigger. “I have my excavator set to pick up the whole thing to cut the tops of trees.
  A favorite feature of Clifford’s is the David Bradley hood, which he mounts onto the front for car shows. “The hood ornament is a Franklin Lion. It was in my grandfather’s toolbox 60 years ago,” says Clifford. “It goes to show you should never throw something away.”
  Clifford owned everything beyond the mower already, so the only cost was labor. Now, his custom runaround cart serves a practical purpose on his property and earns him attention when he shows it off—an excellent outcome for a mower that was supposed to be trash.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Paul Clifford, Dixmont, Maine (pclifford315@gmail.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3