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Baler Designed For Short And Dry Conditions
Farmers tasked with baling short dry straw understand the frustration caused by straw rolling around on the pickup until it eventually causes plugging.
Massey Ferguson has come to their aid with their RB.156 round baler. It makes 5 by 6-ft. bales and features an undershot heavy-duty rotor to help counteract short, dry straw issues.
“When straw is picked up in other balers, it goes over the top to be thrown into the chamber where the belts try to grab it to start a bale,” says Craig Puetz, Agriterra Branch Manager. “On the RB.156, the straw is picked up and goes underneath a rotor and above a floor. Straw simply has nowhere else to go but to enter the baler. The belts can’t help grabbing it from there.”
The MF RB.156 also features a hydraulically controlled retractable floor. If an object like a fence post, root, or overly large clump of wet straw enters the baler, a cab alarm alerts the operator. The floor can be dropped to expel the object before pulling ahead and continuing the baling process.
It also has a front-loading net system which easily handles heavy net rolls. It’s a simple process to open the gullwing shield and swing a cradle out and down to the height of a standard pickup truck.
“You can slide a roll of mesh from the tailgate of your truck into the storage slot with one hand, then push it up to where it’s loaded,” Puetz says. “It’s super simple.”
The new balers are manufactured in Europe, with units currently sold throughout North America by Massey Ferguson dealers.
“We did a demo in Alberta with unbelievably bad swath and weather conditions,” Puetz says. “We sold two balers right on the spot. They’re like nothing else we’ve ever had.”
The MF RB.156 retails for around $125,000 CAD ($91,250 USD).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agriterra Equipment, 90 12 Ave. SE, High River, Alberta, Canada T1V 1E6 (ph 403-336-5106; www.agriterraeq.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3