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Checking Water Levels The Easy Way
Monitor water tanks remotely with the Satellite Water Monitoring System from Gallagher. The New Zealand-based company offers fencing, livestock weighing, and water management solutions. The water monitoring system uses a pressure-sensitive sensor and satellite communication (up to four times a day) to keep livestock well-watered. Farm team members receive the updates via text messages or emails.
“Checking water levels daily is time-consuming, and time is one of a farmer’s most precious things,” says Geoff Pickering, Gallagher. “With our system, they can see what the levels are and whether they are falling over the course of the day, as they should, or staying the same. Alerts can be customized for high and low water levels or if levels are falling faster than expected.”
Pickering says the reaction to the product has been very positive, once a farmer understands what it can do for them. “We often get multiple orders for systems after they have installed their first,” he says. “Once they see how easy it is to install and how effective, they typically buy more than one.”
Pickering notes that the system works equally well with a permanent water source or with rotational grazing and a portable water system.
“The sensor drops down from the monitor to the bottom of the tank,” says Pickering.
Each kit includes the 10-ft. liquid level sensor cable, a mounting base, a protective cover, and the universal (micro-satellite) monitor. The kit is priced at $499.99. The associated app can monitor multiple tanks with alerts sent to multiple mobile numbers or email addresses.
The Satellite Liquid Monitoring system can also be used on other liquids that require regular monitoring, such as pesticides and liquid fertilizer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gallagher USA, P.O. Box 681409, Riverside, Mo. 64168 (ph 816-421-2005; toll-free 800-531-5908; www.am.gallagher.com/en-US).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3