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Cab-Controlled Skid Shoes Deliver Consistent Stubble Heights
Midwest U.S. and Canadian grain farmers considering a Honey Bee Airflex NXT combine header to tackle their harvest challenges now have an added incentive.
In addition to Honey Bee’s exclusive air feature, which offers a choice of flex or rigid cutter positioning, farmers can now choose the option of hydraulically operated, height-adjustable skid shoes for all header sizes from 25 to 60 ft.
“We’ve had header skid shoes before, but they were all manually adjusted with either a pin to pull or a bolt to remove,” says Spencer Groth, Marketing Manager. “With this new option, the operator can set the shoe height from the cab using a foot switch.”
Shoes can be positioned to shave the ground for crops like lentils or peas and up to 8 in. high for wheat and canola-type crops, or when more winter snow needs to be trapped.
“Their best feature is they’re used when the cutter bar is in flex mode,” Groth says. “In flex mode, using these real-time adjustable skid shoes, if the terrain is rolling up and down, the cutter still follows the ground at a set height.”
All Honey Bee equipment is manufactured in Frontier, Sask., and sold through dealerships across North America.
Groth encourages interested farmers to contact them through the website or their closest dealer for information and pricing details.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Honey Bee Manufacturing, P.O. Box # 120, Frontier, Sask., Canada S0N 0W0 (ph 306-296-2297; info@honeybee.ca; www.honeybee.ca).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3