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Save Time And Labor With A Harvest Bucket
After 15 years of research and development, Phil Miller of Philup Harvest Products recently introduced a harvest bucket designed to cut down on labor costs and harvesting time. While the main focus during development was on harvesting sweet and sour cherries, it’s also marketed to growers of coffee beans, plums, prunes, blueberries, nuts, and more.
The Philup Bucket is worn with a custom-made shoulder harness. The harness, which helps support the body evenly, has three stainless steel “D” rings that attach to the bucket. Carbon fiber rods extend out and support the canopy. The worker uses a Sawzall and hook attachment to shake fruit off the branches, down the canopy, and into the bucket in seconds. The sliding doors at each end allow the worker to easily remove the yield without removing the bucket.
The 29-in. by 13 1/2-in. by 8-in. 16-qt. capacity bucket can be purchased alone for $79, plus S&H. The 3-pt. harness is available separately for $39, plus S&H. The bucket and harness weigh just over 5 lbs. The bucket can also be purchased in a bundle, which includes an umbrella, hook harvester, and 3-pt. harness for $439, plus S&H. The umbrella with six support rods weighs just over 2 1/2 lbs.
The harvest bucket products are manufactured in the U.S.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Philup Harvest Products, Phil and Lynn Miller (ph Phil: 231-631-9149 or Lynn: 231-631-9150; sales@philup.net; www.philup.net).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3