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Rolling Orb Provides Chickens Freedom
Chicken Orbs are designed to give backyard poultry greater freedom of movement without stressing their owners. The 55 cm (about 22 in.) spherical rolling enclosures allow chickens to free range without the negative consequences like flying into trees or digging through garden beds and upsetting landscaping. The Orbs also make it easy to catch chickens once it’s time to return them to the coop; no more chasing required.
They’re an Australian invention from Danni Paraha, who wanted to incorporate chickens into her backyard. Problems arose when the chickens began to wreak havoc by digging up her yard. Determined to find a compromise between cages and free-ranging, she began tinkering with what eventually became the Chicken Orb.
To be clear, the orbs aren’t designed to protect chickens from predators, though they do act as a visual barrier to deter them. They do help with dogs, though. Past customers have shared that the Orbs help dogs lose interest in chickens because they restrict their ability to run, which curbs a dog’s instinct to chase. To ensure safety, you’ll still need to watch your birds while they use them. They also allow owners to direct their chickens where they want them, perhaps the weediest parts of the yard or the portions where you want a little extra pest control.
Using the Orbs requires a training period for chickens, during which the birds might get tangled up. Stay at least two paces away as they’re learning so they don’t associate you with issues. They’ll learn the nuances soon enough. Orbs aren’t a replacement for coops, the birds will still need private space to lay eggs and get out of the weather.
They’re available to order off the company website. Pricing starts at $46 per Orb.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chicken Orbs, P.O. Box 109, Kelmscott, Western Australia 6991 (ph +61 (0) 400-227-534; chickenorbs@gmail.com; www.chickenorb.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3