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Truckers Stop The Sunburn With Sun Blocker
“Truckers tan” is common for people who spend a lot of time in trucks. It can lead to skin disorders, including cancer.
Scott Catuzza’s $70 Arm Rocker Sun Blocker is inexpensive insurance to avoid that. As a former trucker, he experienced the pain of a sunburned left arm that hurt every day he drove truck. His simple but well-tested and patented invention has the perfect curve and size with two thin posts that slip in between the glass and rubber stripping of the driver-side window.
“The angle and shape completely cover the arm no matter where the sun is,” Catuzza says. “It doesn’t obstruct the view or block mirrors.”
He’s tested the Arm Rocker Sun Blocker with an open window, driving 75 mph to prove how well it stays in place. Tough enough to survive being driven over, the UV-resistant polypropylene will last through many miles on the road or hours in line at the elevator.
Manufactured in the U.S.A., Catuzza had his first run of 250 sun blockers pressed in August 2022 and debuted them in local truck shops. In March 2023, he introduced them at the Mid-America Trucking Show in Louisville, Ky. The response was overwhelming, says Catuzza, from truckers and Automann, a global distributor.
“It’s exciting to see this idea come to life and grow from a local idea to availability throughout the nation,” Catuzza says.
Besides being available at wholesale prices through Automann, he sells the sun blocker on his website in silver and black. Customers interested in large orders in other colors can contact him.
Catuzza notes that the Arm Rocker Sun Blocker also works in utility vans, pickups, and large SUVs. He doesn’t recommend them for cars as they could block the view.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arm Rocker Sun Blocker, Buffalo, N.Y. (www.truckerstan.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3