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Made-It-Myself Bucket Sprayer
Dale Dorris of Enid, Mo., made a portable sprayer with a 5-gal. bucket. “It’s an easy idea,” he says. “I run a lawn care business and wanted something portable to take along on jobs. A 5-gal. bucket is easy to stick in a truck for when I need to spray Roundup on my customers’ lawns.”
The semi-portable sprayer is his invention. “I just happened to know I would need a spray pump on a 5-gal. bucket,” he says. “It’s a 35-psi pump. But the most important detail is that you’ve got to have a breather tube on the bucket. Otherwise, the pump will suck the bucket bottom. I also added an inline switch for easier control.”
The sprayer took Dorris an hour to make. “The longest step was drilling a hole into the line,” he shares. “All you need is a 5-gal. bucket with a lid. But make sure you use stainless-steel screws so that they won’t rust at the contact with the chemicals inside.”
Dorris estimates that the pump cost him $40 to $50, while the wand was another $15. He also paid about $1 per foot of tubing. “Then you need an extension cord for the pump so you can move it around a bit,” he says. He keeps the sprayer in the back of his truck for easy access while managing his lawn business, but he’s also found it manageable to transport on a four-wheeler.
“This bucket sprayer is a straightforward project so long as you have a mind for solving problems,” he says. “It’s as simple as hooking a pump to the tank sprayer. I’m just using a 5-gal. bucket instead.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dale Dorris, Enid, Mo. 38927 (ph 662-647-5752)

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #5