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Best Buy Mini Thresher
Reid Alloway, Tourne-Sol Farm, Quebec: “The little multi-crop thresher from Taian Mingyi Machinery Equipment Co. has worked well for our farm’s vegetable seed production. It has different screens, so we’ve used it to thresh small to medium lots of beans, peas, radishes and other crops we grow for seed. Before acquiring the machine, we threshed by hand in inefficient and time-consuming ways.
“Our machine has a 4 kW AC motor, a trailer-type frame, and 20-in. wheels. It’s very easy to move around. To make it operational for our use, I fabricated a motor mount and belt guard and set up an electrical box with a magnetic starter, a circuit breaker and an emergency shut-off. Now it’s completely safe for our operation.
“I consider it a best buy because it’s hard to argue with the $615 price tag in U.S. dollars. Freight and import fees brought the final number close to $1,000, but that’s still a very good price, considering the time and labor savings we’ve achieved with the machine in just 1 year.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Reid Allaway, Tourne-Sol Cooperative Farm, 1025 Chemin St-Dominique, les Cedres, Quebec, Canada J7T 1P5 (ph 450-452-4271; info@fermetournesol.qc.ca; www.fermetournesol.qc.ca).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #5