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Simple, Portable Solar Fencing
Jacob Yoder of Leroy, Mich., makes and sells the Porta-Zap solar fencing system—a fully portable livestock fence equipped with reliable mobile fence chargers.
Yoder is Amish, so he works off-grid. That adds challenges to maintaining electric fences. He used to carry batteries into the field. “That got old quickly,” he says. “They were always running low.” First, he invested in solar panels that he carried in a tub. Within a year, they went bad because of moisture in the tub. Other fencing products were too big and bulky, so he set out to create an alternative. A friend who worked with solar panels helped him with the details of his prototype, which came to be the Porta-Zap. Yoder used the system for a summer, then realized he had something other people would find helpful, so he started making kits to sell.
The Porta-Zap differs from the rest of the market because it’s a universal system that isn’t tied to any specific branding. It’s also larger than most of its competition. “Most fence chargers will do just 2 to 3 joules, but this will do 10-plus, and even more if you’re in a sunny area,” says Yoder. “I’m in cloudy Michigan, so I only list the capabilities for my area. I know I’m underselling them.”
Each Porta-Zap has an external battery fuel gauge and an external on-off switch for full monitoring and control. Three wattages are available: 50, 80, and 100, and they can power up to 5 to 10 joule fences. The system takes just 10 min. to set up, and the waterproofing ensures year-round use. If problems do occur, the solar panel lifts for easy access to the interior components.
To use the system, set your own battery (preferably deep-cycle) in the battery compartment. Attach the black clamp to the NEG and the red clamp to the POS post. Ensure the Porta-Zap is switched to OFF, and attach the black wire lead to the ground attachment of your fencer. Next, slide your fencer into the Porta-Zap’s fencer compartment. Attach the positive and negative clamps to their corresponding sections. Close the lid, lower the solar panel, and roll your porta-zap to the fence. Be sure the solar panel is facing south. Finally, attach a red fence clamp to the fence and the green clamp to the ground rod. Flip the porta-zap switch to the ON position.
The panel will work through the winter so long as you keep snow off the main panel. It also works to create multiple configurations, making it ideal for rotational fencing.
It’s best to contact Yoder directly for pricing and dealer information. Shipping is possible, and each setup comes with a three-year limited warranty. He’s also a dealer for Timeless Fence System.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jacob Yoder, 14213 180th Ave., Leroy, Mich. 49655 (ph 231-388-7059).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #5