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Made-It-Myself Gate Closer Easy Enough For Kids
Harlen Grovom of Park River, N.D., created an easy gate closer system. “I got tired of using my arm to close the gate,” he says. “This system sure beats hugging the post to get the wire around it.”
Grovom’s system uses a cable with a hand crank to close the gate. “There’s no fence stretcher needed, and it ensures you always have a tight gate. I use a homemade hand crank and a nail to hold the pipe from unwinding, and it uses a cable with a hand crank to close the gate.”
He made it entirely out of scrap metal. “I have made multiple and have altered where you attach it to the gate, but location doesn’t seem to affect how it works.”
Grovom uses a cable for the part that goes over the gate post and attaches the cable to a pipe. “I have a center sleeve on the pipe attached to the post mount,” he says. “I put a hole in the sleeve and the pipe to create a lock using a nail to keep the cable tight. Then I created a handle on both sides to crank and a mount to attach to the fence post.”
To date, Grovom has made multiples of this latch, keeping the same basic design and altering it according to the scrap metal he has on hand. Overall, he prefers a horizontal design, though vertical designs also work.
“It takes me under 2 hrs. to make one,” he says. “Using the latch is so easy that a kid can do it.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harlen Grovom, 12643 Hwy. 17, Park River, N.D. 58270 (ph 701-331-0169; chadnkari@hotmail.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #5