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Panels Lock In Plants On Slopes
Dirt Lockers hold dirt in place, even on steep slopes, and allow plants to get established. The recycled and repurposed high-density polyethylene retainers can be interlocked to match the length and width of a slope. Unlike conventional rectangular retainers, Dirt Lockers conform to the hillside, holding dirt and moisture, even in heavy downpours. They’re not subject to washouts, as can happen with berms.
“When I first developed the concept, it was for my own fruit trees,” recalls Mark Trebilcock, Dirt Locker. “I was in an environment close to high desert, and even with a sprinkler system, I couldn’t get my trees to keep their blossoms on. Water found its way past the trees and took soil with it. I installed individual prototype panels, and with the same sprinkler system, I soon found I was overwatering. The panels held and retained the water.”
Seeing his results, Trebilcock thought orchard growers might be interested. However, when he modified the panels to interlock, do-it-yourselfers, gardeners and landscapers showed the most interest.
“Since introducing the interlocking panels, which are made in Nebraska, I’ve shipped product to Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K., pretty much all over the globe,” says Trebilcock. “I’ve sold them all across the U.S., including Alaska.”
Dirt Lockers come in three sizes and black and brown coloring. The mini Dirt Locker panel is 24 in. end to end and 7 1/2 in. at its curving center point. It’s intended for small or distinctively shaped areas with 25 to 45-degree slopes.
The medium Dirt Locker panel is 48 in. end to end and 9 in. at its widest point. It’s designed for use on mild slopes from 10 to 24 degrees. The large Dirt Locker panel is also 48 in. long but is 12 in. wide at the center. It’s designed for steep slopes of 25 to 45 degrees. Panels can also be used in sets of two each as individual tree/plant rings.
Each Dirt Locker panel has a male and female tab at opposite ends for interlocking. A slot in the center of a panel lets multiple rows of panels be locked to each other. Interlocked panels are anchored with rebar J hooks at row ends and each interlocking point. The J hooks are 16-in., 3/8 in. rebar and 16 and 24-in., 1/2-in. rebar. The soil type determines which J hook is recommended for installation.
The key to successful installation, suggests Trebilcock, is to ensure each installed panel has a rounded C shape when filled with dirt. Rows are offset. Once a panel cell has become saturated, excess water trickles between panels and the panel below. This cascading effect slows run-off, maintaining soil structure and preserving essential nutrients. Customers report that their Dirt Locker installations have held up under hurricanes and torrential downpours.
Installation is simple. Panels are assembled to match the slope’s length and width, carried into position, anchored and backfilled with soil. Trebilcock recommends adding plants to at least 50 percent (70 percent is ideal) of the panel/cells, as root structure helps stabilize and secure the system and the slope.
Dirt Locker panels are only available directly from the company. Prices vary by number and size, with a 10-pack of mini panels priced at $89.50 and a 100-pack priced at $699. A 10-pack of large panels is priced at $159.50, and a 100-pack is priced at $1,295. J hooks come in 10-packs, priced from $39.50 to $55.50, depending on size.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dirt Locker (ph toll-free 833-697-5673; info@dirtlocker.com; www.dirtlocker.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #5