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Soil Blades Designed For Challenging Conditions
Prescription Tillage Technology (PTT) developed its Sabre Tooth Planter (STP) series blades for superior agronomic soil interaction.
The standard, shallow, fine-tooth blades are designed to cut through tough crop residue and cover crops with friction rather than blunt force. This efficient cutting process allows them to operate extremely well in challenging soils and climate conditions.
Standard O.E.M. round, smooth blades use direct force, causing more hair-pinning and pinching excessive residue into the soil. They also slide up to 30 percent of the time, smearing the trench sidewalls and making it difficult for seedlings’ initial roots to break out of the seed bed. Poor early root development harms future brace root formation.
The PTT’s Sabre Tooth propels the blades forward, causing less hair-pinning and minimizing sliding. The company claims their blades turn 92 to 95 percent of the time during forward motion.
“Some of our customers say they can shift up a gear and throttle back on the tractor,” says Doug Hays, President of Ag Blades Direct Incorporated, PTT’s distribution arm. “This is because our blades are rotating and not just dragging.”
On the STP blades, one blade is 15.15 in. dia. and mated with a 14.75 in. dia., creating different rotational speeds while in motion.
“This helps the cutting action as it acts like scissors in the soil,” Hays says. “The teeth make more of a U shape in the bottom of the seed trench instead of a V, so you get better seed-soil contact. We don’t need after-market closing systems to compress the soil around the seed.”
Hays explains that the STP series blades also decrease compaction and smearing as they fracture the sidewall and granulate soil over the seed trench. This lifting and fracturing helps achieve maximum seed-to-soil contact and creates a seed trench that early seedling roots can easily break free of.
The STP full 4 mm. thick blades, machined billet hubs, and a range of bearing choices make PTT’s pricing competitive with rival heavy-duty lines.
Except for their bearings and bolts, PTT completes its manufacturing processes in-house, allowing for strict quality control guidelines and testing in the factory.
The STP series blades are currently available throughout North America and Australia. Blade sets start at $152 plus shipping online.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Prescription Tillage Technology LLC., 1735 E. Main, Lamoni, Iowa 50140 (ph 712-357-1149; sales@prescriptiontillagetechllc.com; www.prescriptiontillage.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #5