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Sturdy Cattle Gate Wheels
When it comes to farm gates, Tech Team has devised ways to make them convenient to use and last longer. Their newest products make installation even easier.
Ted Werner, owner, understands that because he farms in addition to running Tech Team.
“I’ve struggled with gates and realized that very few people know how to build a good hinge post, and a good hinge post should be the first step when installing a gate,” he says.
His first gate project was adding a 16-in. flat free wheel to make opening gates over rough turf easier.
“Having a wheel to support the end of the gate also prevents the gate from sagging and moving, so the gate and posts last longer,” he says. “A good gate wheel simplifies and changes the dynamics.”
The newest model, 945, has spring suspension and comes with an 8-in. solid rubber tire with a steel hub and roller bearing. The biggest difference is how it mounts to tube gates with a newly designed mounting bracket using the included U-bolts, making installation quick and easy. For installation on other style gates, the punched square holes accommodate 3/8-in. carriage bolts. The model 946 has a 4-in. wheel that works well with residential gates.
“Everything installs without welding. They’re purpose-built and overbuilt to last,” Werner says, noting the zinc plating finish passes the 96-hr. salt spray test and is suitable for a marine environment.
Tech Team also makes slide bolt and cowboy gate latches, and drop rods for double gates and spring-loaded gate casters. Get more information on the business website and shop for products through Amazon and businesses such as TSC.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tech Team, P.O. Box 983, Middleburgh, N.Y. 12122 (info@techteamproducts.com; www.techteamproducts.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #6