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Simple Integrated Grain Sampler
VeriGrain, an innovative start-up, developed the high-tech AccuSampler Ultra MT, an automated grain sampler easily installed on swing augers, baggers, grain dryers and other grain handling equipment.
According to VeriGrain CEO Ken Jackson, collecting an accurate sample is crucial to determining a product’s value and protecting it in storage.
The Ultra MT uses a small auger and slotted tube to extract representative grain samples automatically. This ensures samples are random throughout the inventory. The sampler measures the grain’s moisture content and temperature. Power is delivered by 12-volt DC or optional 120-volt power supplies.
The unit interacts with the VeriGrain app via Bluetooth, providing average and high-low outputs. It tracks grain sample information for optimal blending practices and sends spoilage alerts via email or text.
“Representative samples let you accurately determine valuable characteristics to get the most for your grain,” says a VeriGrain news release. “Having detailed spoilage risk information for the grain in all your bins, not just the ones you have monitoring cables in, lets you prevent a little problem from becoming a big loss.”
The Ultra MT, complete with moisture-temperature sensor, retails for $4,595 CAD plus S&H. Prices vary depending on mounting.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, VeriGrain, 104-108 Research Dr., Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7N 3R3 (ph 833-630-2550; info@verigrain.com; www.verigrain.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #6