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Maple Syrup Evaporator Boosts Production
Sunrise Metal Shop of Topeka, Ind., specializes in maple syrup evaporators and accessories for processing sap at home and on a commercial scale. The business began in 1958 as a plumbing store with custom sheet metal fabricating known as the Topeka Metal Shop.
One bestseller is the Maxiflame furnace. This syrup evaporator’s unique design features a double-wall insulated front with airflow between the layers, which keeps the front cool. There’s also a secondary burn system to burn gases that would otherwise produce smoke.
“Customers who use our evaporators appreciate the gasification going on in the chutes,” says Sunrise Metal Shop representative Lee Miller. “With the Maxiflame, there’s almost no smoke coming out of the chimney.”
The Maxiflame furnace is standard forced air with a rheostat. It comes pre-bricked with an ultra-high temperature fireboard and easy-access side panels, though it’s skirted on all sides to keep things contained. The furnace works well with a drop flue, raised flue, or extreme flue pans. This makes the Maxiflame easy to operate, fuel-efficient, and environmentally friendly. “The Maxiflame is more efficient, which is better for the environment,” says Miller.
Maxiflame’s sizes range from 2 ft. by 6 ft. to 6 ft. by 16 ft., making it suitable for syrup processing at home and in commercial settings. Pricing varies depending on the size, accessories and shipping location. Contact the company for a quote.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sunrise Metal Shop, 3070 W 350 S, Topeka, Ind. 46571 (ph 260-463-4026; www.sunriseevaporators.com).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1