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Cattle Tech Idea Wins Startup Competition
Canada’s Farm Show in Regina, Sask., features a Cultivator Powered by Conexus Credit Union event that brings together young entrepreneurs and agricultural producers.
The event, known as the 24-Hour Agtech Startup, challenged participants to turn their innovative ideas into practical farm and ranch solutions within a single day. A “Minimum Viable Product” on-stage pitch presentation followed in the hopes of securing seed money from Conexus Credit Union.
The teams choose a desirable problem and, over 24 hours, work to address the challenge.
Agricultural mentors, experts and researchers are on hand to assist teams as they build applications and interfaces.
After 24 hours, team pitches were presented and judged by a panel of experts. The “People’s Choice Award” title and $1,000 were won by the “Scan My Herd” team.
The Scan My Herd innovation leverages cattle RFID tag data to correlate essential health management information, including vaccinations and injuries.
The five-member 24-Hour Startup team included Jonathan Vargas, Logan Fossenier, Sathyajit Loganathan, Noah Stasuik and Glenn Raphael Garcia De Los Reyes. Each brought various skills to the table.
Fossenier brought limited agricultural knowledge to the event, only occasionally having helped on his grandfather’s cattle ranch.
“I based the concept for Scan My Herd on my grandpa’s ranch,” he says. “I felt if we had a newer version of RFID tags which were similarly priced, the ranchers could use their phones to connect the cattle to the database right at the chutes. This would allow them to track their animal’s history to make more informed buying and selling decisions.”
He says the idea was to build an application that provided aspects like feed, inventories and health. The underlying technology would be a new way of storing the same identifying tags and the government database, plus placing some information directly on the tags.
“I was pleased with our team and how the event went,” Fossenier says. “What we came up with technically was quite impressive. I plan on going again next year and will tell all my coding friends about it.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cultivator Powered by Conexus, Agtech Accelerator, Suite 2-2375 College Ave., Regina, Sask., Canada S4P 0S8 (media@conexus.ca; www.cultivator.ca).

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2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1