2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1, Page #08
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Chicken Manure Improves Soil Health
“Chicken litter is renewable, sustainable, and has almost no carbon footprint,” says company spokesperson Nick Dussel. “It adds organic matter to the soil, along with the things farmers want in synthetic fertilizers: NPK, calcium, magnesium, the list goes on. And did I mention that it’s organic and half the cost of synthetic fertilizers?”
The delivery company got off the ground two years ago. “We’d been in the organic fertilizer business for a few years prior, but more on the application side of things,” Dussel says. “Then we decided to put an ad in the Farmer’s Exchange and advertise for buying chicken litter. From there, it’s been a whirlwind of late nights and early mornings.”
Chicken Doo is a product that rewards pickiness. “Litter has gotten a bad rap because most people selling and applying it just get whatever chicken manure they can get their hands on,” Dussel says. He shares that boiler and turkey barns often bed the birds with sawdust, diluting the litter’s nutrients as it breaks down. “But in layer barns, the chickens are not bedded with sawdust or other types of bedding. We have good, local sources of layer barn litter and take the time to drive to every barn to get samples for analytical purposes.”
Soil Production Solutions has invested in its own equipment to keep costs low. “That’s allowed us to halve trucking costs compared to working with delivery companies,” he says. “Owning the equipment has increased sales and taken away logistics headaches. It’s a straightforward application process. We have three spreader trucks and generally apply one to two tons per acre.”
The challenge remains to get customers to understand that chicken litter is more than just NPK. “Farmers should put on litter yearly to boost biology and micronutrient levels and build organic matter in their soil. Getting everyone educated is a major part of what we strive to do. With sky-high input costs of everything and low commodity prices, spending money on the right products for your soil is imperative.”
Pricing depends on location, though the team reports that Chicken Doo saves growers about 50 percent over synthetic fertilizers with the same nutrients. Their standard delivery radius is about 100 miles. “Saying that, we’ve found that there are a lot of farmers that would love to use the product and just haven’t had a good source,” says Dussel. “If we can get the numbers to work, we’ll virtually go anywhere. We welcome growers, large or small. Find us on Facebook and Instagram at Soil Production Solutions.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nick Dussel, Soil Production Solutions (ph 269-228-1711; nick@soilproduction.com).
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