2025 - Volume #49, Issue #1, Page #10
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Snowplow Attachment Suits Compact Tractors
About 12 years ago, Bentley’s neighbor approached him with a request. “He had a snowplow for his truck, and he wondered if I could adapt it to clamp on his tractor,” he says. “I worked with an Amish friend to build a unique clamping system for attaching it. It worked, and it even made the bucket stronger.”
Bentley let his friend have the snowplow for free, with the understanding that he could borrow it. “I love plowing snow, and as I used it, I realized there was likely a market for this kind of attachment.” He released the attachment to the public soon after, and sales have snowballed.
Different models have bucket clamp-ons, universal quick attaches, Euro hitches and mounts for Yanmar, John Deere or Kubota loaders. Each blade has a bolt-on reversible cutting edge, which provides two cutting surfaces from one blade.
Installing the blades doesn’t require any bucket alterations. “Our clamp-on plow design is unique; they clamp onto the bucket with a full underframe and two top clamps, making the bucket stiffer,” explains Bentley. “We’ve never had a single issue with tractor buckets that use our plows.”
Blade sizes include 84 in., 90 in. and 96 in. width; each is 26 in. in overall height. For tractors 30 hp. and under, 60 in. and 72 in. by 19 1/2 in. blades are available. Quotes are available on request. “Our prices are highly competitive,” says Bentley. “The snowplows start around $1,700.”
Earth & Turf will paint the cutting edge to match the color of the tractor on request. Bentley’s also happy to take on custom work. “Many of our products today started as custom work, and we learned there was a bigger market for them.”
Looking forward, innovation continues to be a top priority for Bentley. “Another product we’re excited about is our hybrid grapple, released just last year. There’s nothing else on the market like it.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Earth & Turf Attachments, LLC. 708 Steelville Mill Rd., Altglen, Penn. 19310 (ph 877-800-6625; info@earthandturfattachments.com; www.earthandturfattachments.com).
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